About Us
New Dimensions Church is a purpose-driven ministry with a vision to change lives and impact the world through the power of Jesus Christ. We provide a place for everyone that is conducive for growth and development of the entire person – intellectually, spiritually, and physically. It is our desire to see every person walking progressively in the manifestation of God’s promise.
No matter what season of life you’re in, whether a seeker, a new believer or a mature Christian, there is something for you at New Dimensions.
Growing the people of God, in His Word, to love others, as Christ does.
The New Dimensions Church will build the Kingdom of God in our community through demonstrating Jesus’ LOVE. Our commitments to faithful prayer, study God’s Word , and LOVE all of God’s people will build his Kingdom through soul impact!
Prayer – Dialogue with Him
Worship – Delight in Him
Evangelism – Declare Him
Missions – Directed by Him
Teaching – Developed by Him
Relationships – Designed by Him